Monday, March 19, 2007


How many times have we got out of bed and just sat there thinking, and thinking, yet our minds are set like a clock and for some reason we have sustained a blank spot, a blur in time that has now been lost.

How do you know what to do each morning and without thinking such as going for a pee in the dark walking down the hallway, or cleaning your teeth??Its simple each and every one of us have a memory that slips through the filing cabinet for that split second and it just happens,....or something like that.
I have had the benefit of
lecturing at the University of Wollongong to second year students from the Psychology department about motivation and gold setting in general, as a 2nd year student myself I was asked to give a guest lecture and now it is a ongoing event.

i will give some information that might help you as it did me even though I applied it to my profession in sports this can be used in every day interaction.


This is an example of a hand out to help give you an idea of what you may want to achieve. Try to find a starting point with your own aims and put them in set goals. You may extend the now tasks if there is not enough room. There are a few questions to look at before attempt the Goal setting map.

Goal setting:

Learning to use goals in every day setting weather it be for employment tasks, sports or just in normal house duties, without you even knowing it your mind has, in place an outcome in which you have already processed and are about to complete. This is a very useful self program once you can easily identify how to use it. Goal setting is usually learned in 3 steps the main goals either seen as long-term or short-term pending on achievement levels, sub goals & the now task.

You will learn to use a goal setting map in this program with your coach / mentor / friend, the map will provide you with a visual representation of the goal-setting process which requires you to concentrate on each step that will lead to a positive change. You will be required to follow each step and work through each step to achieve the final outcome.

  1. We will work together to identify a desired outcome, what you want to achieve in the end, we will call this, (main goal).
  2. We will identify five changes that you think are necessary for the desired outcome to occur, what small steps will help you reach the main goals, we will call this, (sub goals).
  3. Finally for the sub goals to happen you must work to identify the behaviours changes that you must do, we will call this (now task).

It is important to arrange your sub goals in order of hierarchy, from the easiest task to the hardest task. The same should be applied for the now tasks that are related to each of the sub goal. Each must be completed in order. You must complete one sub goal before you can move onto the next. When you complete each set task in the sub goals and the now tasks in a successful manner, you will be more motivated and energized to reinforce the positive and you will maintain that motivation. With the successful completion of the sub goals, this may reduces the past negative experiences and replace them with positive experiences that lead to achieving the main goal.

Example of Goal setting steps:


2____ 1____

1____ 2____ 1____

2____ 3____ main goal

1____ sub goals


Now Tasks

Write down what you want to change or achieve then do the now tasks that need to reach the sub goals that lead to main goals. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Question’s to consider.

· What are the physical and psychological factor relevant for people participating in your sport?

· What are the most important psychological factors for you personally? How do you address this?

· What is the most important motivation factor?

· How important is being competitive to you?

· How do you cope with loss?

· Which is most difficult for you and why? Physical training or mental training?