Over the past few month I have read some information on the web,..and would like to give you some information on Australian kosen matches "the" official Kosen under International Budo Federation IBF and kodokan Judo association KJAnsw and the illawarra kosen association,..which is now is accepted by the Australian martial arts championships,..whom have now accepted kosen as its official grappling matches.
In recent times i have tried the BJJ code,...and hate what it represents,..im a judo player of 34yrs and a 4th dan, with many international titles in judo, pangration jujutsu and mma, i wanted to bring back a sport that is not purely throws. which scares the shit out of most other codes,...but i wanted to make sure that the sport was pure and easy for all to adapt to,..unlike BJJ events which have some of the most political fights,..so
the middle of this year i started kosen contest,...i have copped some shit but,..kosen to me is
I found that if i left ippons for throws and 30second rule for osekomi,..i would not have other codes enter,.including bjj,.and on the flip side,..if i kept side control, full mount , pass guard points then other code would not attend including judo players,...so i kept it simple and fast,..all codes know how to submit,..so that's it,..win with only submissions ,..you can do all the throws ,..pass guards or holds you like but you will not score,...also i included the sumo rule to keep players in the middle of the mat,...now thanks to these minor adjustments all codes have taken a keen interest,....let me know what you thi
and i would love to have international players contest our 9 event to be held at the Anne Clarke basket ball center,
the basic are:
In the Kosen competition, there are not many restrictions on practicing "Newaza" (ground work). Kosen judo is what was first described as the strongest fighting art in the world from 1914 through to 1950’s it has made a strong come back due to the UFC MMA styles events. Kosen Judo is “not judo one sided” so that grappling & Jujutsu codes are able to compete without the restriction of knowledge or fear of been thrown for ippon (win), with an emphasis on Hikikomi - or pulling your opponent to the ground. Ne-waza is used by all grappling codes, of course safety is first, this is a fast method of grappling that I hope you embrace and try

The Tournament Director reserves the right to abandon, amalgamate or disqualify any person, weight division or category where sufficient members are not present, or acting in an unjust manner these guidelines are to ensure that the event is on time and with out delays. 2) Where high numbers are seen for a division the draw will be run as a knock out. 3) Once weigh in is closed there is no entry. 4) Where a player is competing on another mat area at the time they are called, (3 times) your bout will be put back once only, if you fail to show for the 2nd time you will be disqualified. 5) All players are to sign wavier to compete in Kosen grappling events.
Scoring Victory:
Forced tap out by submission either by (choke, arm lock & straight leg-lock)
· Disqualification of opponents who leave the red area 3 times.
· Opponent taps out or yells out stop.
· No score obtained “a draw”
· Referee’s discretion to the safety of the players.
· Finals only advantage score win, given after golden score match by the center judge
EXAMPLE: either standing or ground:To score 1, 2 or 3 points, if a player leaves the contests safety area (red) 3 times they disqualified under sumo rule. To score 10 points, a player wins by submission either by (choke, arm locks & straight leg-lock).
If a player leaves the mat under SUMO rule by “force / avoidance or attempting to throw or roll out of hold” at any time during the match the player is warned of his mistakes and is penalized 1 point for each time. 3 warnings is disqualification from match.
NOTE: All Throws, sweeps, take downs, pass guard, rear mounts & controls will NOT score, only submissions will be awarded full points.
The referee controls the match, (like in Judo) but (dose not) yell out points scored (like jujutsu), unless player leave the mat. He is assisted by 1 time keeper and 1 table operator that writes the points on the draw sheet at the end of the match. At the end of the match the points decide the winner. Golden score applies where 2 players are on equal pts or where the center judge makes the final decision as a result of golden score match is un-scored, winner awarded by continues advancements only.
if you or your club is keen please send us an email: wollongongjudo@hotmail.com